[Contents] [Overview] [Index] [Quick Reference]

Internet Explorer Help



Index entryTopics


adding pages to a collectionCreating a collection of favorite pages
Address Bar, displayingGoing to a specific place or page
  changing display options Changing the options for displaying a page
  using to go to a specific pageGoing to a specific place or page
animations, hiding to display faster Displaying pages faster
appearance of pages, changing Changing the options for displaying a page
applications, starting automatically when you open filesStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
articles in newsgroupsListing the articles in a newsgroup
associating file types with programs Starting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file


Back buttonViewing pages
background sounds, suppressing to display faster Displaying pages faster
browsing Browsing viewed pages faster
Tips for viewing and organizing pages
Viewing pages


cache, adjustingBrowsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
canceling the display of a pageTips for viewing and organizing pages
  the Cache folderBrowsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
  the History listChanging the history options
collecting pagesCreating a collection of your favorite pages
colored borders around hyperlinks Viewing pages
colored text for hyperlinksViewing pages
colors, changingChanging the options for displaying a page
confidential information, protectingSetting Internet security options
content typesStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
copying information from pages into documentsCopying information from a page into a document
  a collection of favorite pagesCreating a collection of your favorite pages
  a new home pageChanging the home page


  entries from the Favorites listOrganizing your favorite pages
  entries from the History listSeeing where you've been
  pages from the Cache folderBrowsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
desktop, placing shortcuts to pages onCreate a shortcut to a page on the desktop
disk cache, adjustingBrowsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
disk space for stored pages, adjustingBrowsing viewed pages faster
displaying files
  opening files stored on your computerViewing pages
  specifying a program to start when you open a fileStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
  view the source file for a page Viewing the HTML source for the current page
displaying graphicsChanging the options for displaying a page
displaying newsgroupsDisplaying a list of all available news groups
displaying pages
  by using addressesGoing to a specific place or page
  by using hyperlinks Viewing pages
  by using the Forward or Back buttonViewing pages
  by using the History listSeeing where you've been
  changing the font Changing the fonts used to display text on a page
  changing the font size Changing the font size used to display text on a page
  changing the home pageChanging the home page
  changing the search pageChanging the search page
  changing view options Changing the options for displaying a page
  returning to the search pageReturning to the search page
  returning to the home pageReturning to the home page
  speeding up the displayDisplaying pages faster
  without graphics Changing the options for displaying a page
  without sounds Changing the options for displaying a page
  without video clips Changing the options for displaying a page
documents, inserting information intoCopying information from a page into a document
downloading an item without opening itSaving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink
downloading pagesSaving the current pages on your computer
downloading picturesSaving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink


editing pagesViewing the HTML source for the current page
  configuringConfiguring Internet Explorer to send e-mail
  receivingReceiving e-mail using Eudora Light
  sending a hyperlink to a pageSending an Internet hyperlink through e-mail
  sending to the author of a newsgroupResponding to a newsgroup article
  the Cache folderBrowsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
  the History listChanging the history options
exploring the InternetGoing to a specific place or page
Returning to the home page
Returning to the search page
Seeing where you've been
Tips for viewing and organizing pages
Viewing pages
  the Favorites listImporting and exporting your favorite pages
  the History listSeeing where you've been
extension, associating with programsStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file


favorite pages
  collectingCreating a collection of your favorite pages
  deletingOrganizing your favorite pages
  exportingImporting and exporting your favorite pages
  getting informationOrganizing your favorite pages
  importingImporting and exporting your favorite pages
  organizing into foldersOrganizing your favorite pages
  renamingOrganizing your favorite pages
file types, associatingStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
filename extensions, associating with programsStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
  associating with programsStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
  inserting information intoCopying information from a page into a document
  opening files on the InternetViewing pages
  opening files stored on your computerViewing pages
  saving the current page on your computerSaving the current pages on your computer
  viewing the source file for a pageViewing the HTML source for the current page
finding text on a pageSearching for text on a page
first page
  changingChanging the home page
  returning toReturning to the home page
  changing or emptying the Cache folderBrowsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
  organizing pages inOrganizing your favorite pages
  saving pages inSaving the current pages on your computer
font size, changing Changing the font size used to display text on a page
font, changing Changing the fonts used to display text on a page
Forward buttonViewing pages


going to pages or places
  by using addressesGoing to a specific place or page
  by using hyperlinksViewing pages
  by using the Back or Forward buttonViewing pages
  by using the History listSeeing where you've been
  returning to the home pageReturning to the home page
  returning to the search pageReturning to the search page
graphical hyperlinksViewing pages
  displaying Changing the options for displaying a page
  hiding to speed up the display of pagesDisplaying pages faster
  not included when you save a pageSaving the current pages on your computer


hand-shaped pointerViewing pages
HelpersStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
  imagesDisplaying pages faster
  soundsDisplaying pages faster
  user interface elementsChanging the user interface
  videosDisplaying pages faster
  changing the number of pages inChanging the history options
  clearingChanging the history options
  returning to a page you've seen beforeSeeing where you've been
  viewingSeeing where you've been
home page
  changingChanging the home page
  returning toReturning to the home page
hotspotssee hyperlinks
  adding to a collection of favorite pagesCreating a collection of your favorite pages
  changing colors ofChanging the options for displaying a page
  copyingCreate a shortcut to a page on the desktop
  creating and placing on the desktopCreate a shortcut to a page on the desktop
  organizing in foldersOrganizing your favorite pages
  underlining Changing the options for displaying a page
  using to view pagesViewing pages


improving performance Displaying pages faster
Browsing viewed pages faster
Using multiple connections
Viewing pages that require another browser
inserting information from pages into documents Copying information from a page into a document
Internet addresses, usingGoing to a specific place or page
  browsingViewing pages
  newsgroupssee newsgroups
  securitySetting Internet security options
  using a proxy server to gain access toConfiguring your computer for Internet access by using a proxy server
Internet ConfigUsing Internet Config to set options
importingImporting and exporting your favorite pages


jumping to another pageViewing pages



linkssee hyperlinks
  all available newsgroupsDisplaying a list of all available newsgroups
  articles in newsgroupsListing the articles in a newsgroup
  pages you've seen beforeSeeing where you've been
logs of places you've beenSeeing where you've been


  configuringConfiguring Internet Explorer to send e-mail
  receivingReceiving e-mail using Eudora Light
  sending a hyperlink to a pageSending an Internet hyperlink through e-mail
  sending to the author of a newsgroupResponding to a newsgroup article
MIME typesStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
modifying pages Viewing the HTML source for the current page
mouse pointer, hand-shapedViewing pages
moving pages into folderOrganizing your favorite pages
music, suppressing to display pages fasterDisplaying pages faster


  by collecting pages to return toCreating a collection of your favorite pages
  by using addresses for pages and placesGoing to a specific place or page
  by using hyperlinksViewing pages
  by using the Forward or Back buttonViewing pages
  by using the History listSeeing where you've been
  returning to the home pageReturning to the home page
  returning to the search pageReturning to the search page
  seeing where you've beenSeeing where you've been
  listing all available newsgroupsListing the articles in a newsgroup
  listing articles inListing the articles in a newsgroup
  posting articles toPosting a new article to a newsgroup
  reading articles inReading an article in a newgroup
  responding to articles inResponding to a newsgroup article
next page, go toViewing pages


opening filesStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
Viewing pages
organizing pagesOrganizing your favorite pages
Tips for viewing and organizing pages


  adding to a collection of favoritesCreating a collection of your favorite pages
  changing display optionsChanging the options for displaying a page
  changing font size on Changing the font size used to display text on a page
  changing fonts on Changing the fonts used to display text on a page
  changing the home pageChanging the home page
  changing the number of pages in the History listChanging the history options
  changing the search pageChanging the search page
  copying information from Copying information from a page into a document
  editing Viewing the HTML source for the current page
  listing pages you've seen beforeSeeing where you've been
  opening files stored on your computerViewing pages
  organizing in foldersOrganizing your favorite pages
  returning to the home pageReturning to the home page
  returning to the search pageReturning to the search page
  saving on your computerSaving the current pages on your computer
  searching for text onSearching for text on a page
  speeding up the display ofDisplaying pages faster
  tips for viewing and organizingTips for viewing and organizing pages
  viewing by using addressesGoing to a specific place or page
  viewing by using hyperlinksViewing pages
  viewing by using the History listSeeing where you've been
  viewing the next of previous page Viewing pages
  viewing the source file for Viewing the HTML source for the current page
pasting information from pages into documentsCopying information from a page into a document
performance, improving when viewing pages Displaying pages faster
Browsing viewed pages faster
Using multiple connections
Viewing pages that require another browser
  displaying Changing the options for displaying a page
  hiding to speed up the display of pages Changing the options for displaying a page
  not included when you save a page Saving the current pages on your computer
  saving on your computer Saving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink
pointer, hand-shaped Viewing pages
posting articles to newsgroups Responding to a newsgroup article
previous page, returning to Viewing pages
programs, starting automatically when you open files Starting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
protectionSetting Internet security options
proxy server, using with Internet ExplorerConfiguring your computer for Internet access by using a proxy server



reading newsgroups Reading an article in a newsgroup
refreshingChanging the options for refreshing a page
  entries from the History list Changing the history options
  pages from the Cache folder Browsing viewed pages faster
Changing the cache options
replying to newsgroup articlesResponding to a newsgroup article
responding to newsgroup articlesResponding to a newsgroup article
  to a page listed in the History Seeing where you've been
  to favorite pages Creating a collection of your favorite pages
  to the home page Returning to the home page
  to the previous page Viewing pages
  to the search page Returning to the search page
risks Setting Internet security options
running programs automatically when you open filesStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file


saved pages, openingViewing pages
saving pagesSaving the current pages on your computer
Saving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink
saving picturesSaving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink
search page
  changing Changing the search page
  returning to Returning to the search page
searching for text on a pageSearching for text on a page
securitySetting Internet security options
seeing where you've beenSeeing where you've been
sending articles to newsgroupsPosting a new article to a newsgroup
Responding to a newsgroup article
sending secure dataSetting Internet security options
settings, changing Browsing viewed pages faster
Changing the font size used to display text on a page
Changing the fonts used to display text on a page
Changing the history options
Changing the home page
Changing the options for displaying a page
Changing the options for refreshing a page
Changing the search page
Changing the user interface
Displaying pages faster
Configuring Internet Explorer to read news
Configuring Internet Explorer to send e-mail
Configuring your computer for Internet access by using a proxy server
Setting Internet security options
Starting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
Using multiple connections
Viewing pages that require another browser
shortcutssee hyperlinks
size of text, changingChanging the font size used to display text on a page
sounds, suppressing to display pages faster Displaying pages faster
source file for a page, viewingViewing the HTML source for the current page
speeding up the display of pages Displaying pages faster
Browsing viewed pages faster
start page
  changing Changing the home page
  returning to Returning to the home page
starting programs automatically when you open files Starting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
Stop button Tips for viewing and organizing pages
stopping the display of a pageTips for viewing and organizing pages
stored files, openingViewing pages
storing pagesCreating a collection of your favorite pages
Organizing your favorite pages
Saving the current pages on your computer
Saving the page or picture indicated by a hyperlink


technical supportRelease Notes
  changing fonts Changing the fonts used to display text on a page
  changing font size Changing the font size used to display text on a page
  searching forSearching for text on a page
tool bar
  customizing Changing the user interface
  using to navigateViewing pages
transferring information from pages into documentsCopying information from a page into a document


underlining text for hyperlinks Changing the options for displaying a page
URLs, using to go to specific placesGoing to a specific place or page


video clips, hiding to display pages fasterDisplaying pages faster
view options, changingChanging the options for displaying a page
viewed pages, speeding up the display ofDisplaying pages faster
viewing files
  displaying the source file for a pageViewing the HTML source for the current page
  opening files stored on your computerGoing to a specific place or page
  specifying a program to start when you open a fileStarting an application (Helper) when you open a particular type of file
viewing graphics Changing the options for displaying a page
Changing the options for refreshing a page
viewing newsgroupsDisplaying a list of all available newsgroups
viewing pagesViewing pages


warning levels, settingSetting Internet security options
World Wide Web
  about the InternetOverview
  addresses, usingGoing to a specific place or page
  exploringViewing pages
  viewing pagesOverview
Viewing pages